What is a pediatric


Pediatric Psychologists specialize in working with children, teenagers, young adults, and families living with and/or adjusting to medical illness (chronic and acute medical illness) or injury (spinal cord injury, brain injury, traumatic accidents).

Pediatric Psychologists work in coordination with patients, families, school staff and medical providers to address the psychological impact of illness and injury in order to promote health and health-related behaviors. 


Pediatric Psychologists fill a substantial gap in healthcare services for children and adolescents. Medical concerns in children can be particularly difficult to cope with and adjust to. Pediatric psychologists have specialized training and expertise to help children and adolescents process coping and adjustment difficulties. Pediatric Psychologists are familiar with a broad range of physical and medical conditions and their treatments, as well as common co-occuring stress, anxiety, mood and behavioral disorders. The training and treatment approach by these providers recognizes the interplay between physical and psychosocial health and well-being. 

Why is a Pediatric

Psychologist Unique?